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CHiLL Project

CHiLdren's Lives in Changing Places (CHiLL)

Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, Children’s lives in changing places (CHiLL) is a participatory research project with young people aged 10-15 that seeks to understand the lives of children growing up in less advantaged contexts and the factors affecting that to inform positive social change.  

The project is being undertaken as part of the Global Growing up in Cities project involving projects worldwide engaging young people in researching and improving their neighbourhood 

CHiLL Team

The CHILL team are based across the University of Huddersfield, the Open University, and the University of Lincoln.

Our Approach

Our approach involves flexibly engaging young people as research partners using participatory approaches. Within an overall study framework young people help decide on specific research tools and questions and engage in joint analysis, sense making and priorities for change.

Resources and Outputs

Working collaboratively with young people we have co-created innovative outputs showcased at international conferences and local policy dialogues, highlighting the importance of youth voices in research. Explore our outputs and resources and discover the impactful work we've accomplished together!

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